Router with Guard — Takeaway routing solution for React project

Phạm Huy Phát
3 min readJan 28, 2019

Routing has always been a key aspect in developing web. There are many requirement in routing: code splitting, route guard, nested route, default loading screen…
With the react-router-guard, we hope to help you achieve all mentioned above with the least amount of effort, with all the logic needed grouping in one place

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1. Before react-router-guard

With the react-loadable recommended in the React document and given a ‘Home Page’ container component in HomePage.js like this:

function HomePage(props) {
return (<div> Greeting at my door </div>)

For a basic routing, you made a route.js file:

import Loadable from ‘react-loadable’;
import Loading from ‘./my-loading-component’;

And to do the code splitting with that you made a route.js:

const HomePageComponent = Loadable({
loader: () => import(‘./HomePage’),
loading: Loading,
class App extends Component {
render() {
<Route exact path=”/” component={HomePageComponent} />

That is just for the basic, now you want to add constraint on accessing the route. Given the scenario when I only want the logged in user to have the ability to access to ‘/profile’ route now you will create more HOC to make a fallback component:

// get the user's credential from local storage 
import { getUserProfile } from 'utils';
function checkAuth(
) {
const profile = getUserProfile();
if (!profile) {
return FallbackComponent
? <FallbackComponent {…rest} />
: <Redirect to="/" />
export default checkAuth();

Then in the route.js, wrap the dynamic loaded component with the new HOC:

import CheckAuth from 'guards/checkAuth';
const ProfilePage = Loadable({
loaded: () => import ('./ProfilePage'),
loading: Loading,
const ProfilePageFallback =
class App extends React.Component {
render() {

<Route exact path='/profile' component={ProfilePageFallback}/>


All of that just to have a guard on the registering route. You have to dynamic import in one place, wrap it in another and finally assign the url path in a component. Technically you can merge all the work in to one line of code but it would be a matter of nightmare

And now I introduce you — the react-router-guard library

2. The library we need and the library we deserve

Once installed, all the code written above can be reduced to this:

import { dynamicWrapper } from 'react-router-guard';
import { checkAuth } from "./guard";

In the config file:

export default [
path: '/',
component: dynamicWrapper(() => import ('./HomePage')),
canActivate: checkAuth,
path: '/',
component: dynamicWrapper(() => import ('./ProfilePage')),
canActivate: checkNotAuth,
path: '/',
component: dynamicWrapper(() => import ('./SignInPage')),

About the checkAuth:

In the app file, just nest the route into one common browser

import {BrowserRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
import RouterGuard from ‘react-router-guard’;
function App() {
return (
<RouterGuard config={config} />

As you can see, all the configs are now combined into one config object. And the guards (which is listed as single/array element in the canActivate props) are promises. Those promises let the navigation pass if they resolve(true) and redirect to the error thrown by reject(‘path’)

Beside one primary purpose of a cleaner routing system set up and guards, the library also have different interesting feature that may come in handy in developing web, such as:

  • Default or customized loading UI component on unfinished routing
  • Template for nested route
  • Dynamic redirect with parameters

Find more about us and checkout the demo by going to

Let me know what’s good and what’s not by commenting below.
Once again, don’t forget to download the library and test it yourselves




Phạm Huy Phát
Phạm Huy Phát

Written by Phạm Huy Phát

Người Việt Nam sống trên Internet là chủ yếu

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